Used today by 200+ professional and NCAA teams
We’ve solved the most demanding segment of commercial laundry—professional and collegiate sports. But don't just take our word for it…

This sh#t works!
Lou Cucuzza Jr., Clubhouse Manager
New York Yankees

Everyone always asks me, ‘How do you get your uniforms so white?’ I have to tell them that it’s Renegade. Instead of us having to use multiple products, we just use one. The other benefit is…the product is more eco-friendly.
Alex Torres, Clubhouse Manager
Los Angeles Dodgers

The best sh*t ever. Used Ecolab for four years —a five chemical process. We cut our price by 80%. Try it and you’ll never go back.
Sparky, Equipment Manager
Denver Nuggets

The first and only product that has been able to remove all the field paint and fertilizer dyes… Since using this, we have not lost a single pair of pants or any jerseys due to field stains.
Todd Hewitt,
Director of Equipment Operations
USC Trojans

This sh*t works! It doesn’t matter if it’s sweat, salt stains or mud. It works for all my stuff.
John Coumoundouros,
Equipment Manager
Detroit Pistons

I was skeptical at first to make a change as I had been using the same chemicals for over 15 years…I’m sure glad I did. This is more affordable, more efficient, gets all the hardest stains out while providing the best customer service around.
Al Whitley, Head Equipment Manager
Dallas Mavericks

We went from four dispensers down to the one. Clothes come out smelling better than the other four combined…This alone will take care of all your laundry and stain relieving needs.
Trent Chesnut,
Football Equipment Manager
University of Illinois

I have been here for 15 years and have NEVER had laundry feel as soft as it feels or smelled so clean. We have even cut our rewashes by more than half. I have to add that one of my assistants didn’t know we made a change and her exact words when she walked into the laundry room were, ‘Wow! What are we doing different, it has never smelled better!’ I am super excited that we made the change, thank you!
Head Housekeeper,
Nursing Facility